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Cora Tunnel

Page history last edited by Swinefat Pink 14 years, 11 months ago

CORA TUNNEL is a noted anorexic controversialist and fellow-traveller of Creationism.  She feeds her insatiable appetite for attention with regular appearances on television, radio, and the wet-dreams of middle-aged American white supremicists.


Her many publications include:


Slither: How the Liberal MSM are Unfair to Genghis Khan

Treacle: Why Roy Cohn was Better than Superman

Clueless: Why Karl Darwin is a Menace to Civilization as We Know It


Cora Tunnel writes under a range of noms de plume, such as


* Nuclear Ton

* Cruel N. Nato

* Le Narco Nut

* UN Late Corn

* Tuna Cloner


and other aliases.


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