
Creation Science

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Saved by Swinefat Pink
on June 2, 2008 at 4:08:37 pm

!Creation Science

__CREATION SCIENCE__ is the wolf of __Creationism__ attempting to don the sheep's clothing of __Science__. It is the oxymoronic coupling of an Oral Roberts with an Erlenmeyer flask, or a Jimmy Swaggart with a Linear Particle Accelerator.  In short: a toddler playing with a hand grenade.

__Creationism__ is the doctrine (common to some denominations of several of the world's religions) that life was created by a specified deity or deities more or less in the forms we observe it today.  Authority for this doctrine is found exclusively in scriptural accounts.

__Creation Scientists__ are typically ''sola scriptura'' literalists who nonetheless wish to drape their religious creed with the prestige and authority of ''hard science''.  However, two insurmountable barriers present themselves to this endeavour, to wit:

* 1. Hard science is exactly that: ''hard''.

* 2. Hard science demonstrates that some events presented as historical by scripture cannot be ''literally'' true.

As a result, Creation Science has in fact evolved into  the ''art'' of making stuff up to accord with prior belief.

Critics have repeatedly pointed out that Creation Science does not adhere to the scientific method, and its incomplete theories are not falsifiable as they do not make predictions, nor test them by experiment.

To answer these charges, a team of Creation Scientists designed and executed the celebrated ((Tornado in a Junkyard Experiment)) in 1992.  The results of that experiment appear to have been supressed through the actions of Darwin Central agents.

In an attempt to overcome unfair US Consitutional restrictions on religious prosletysing in Federally-funded classrooms,   Creationists have  recently conducted a "copy and paste" re-branding of their doctrines as __((ID|Intelligent Design)) __ (or ((ID))).


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